M: 0404 293 422 (Arthur)
Admitted to practice in 2001, Arthur commenced his career in the law working in both small and large law firms in Adelaide.
His thirst for adventure and opportunity drove him to work for and learn from the very best multinational corporate and commercial law firms in the world. He was posted in London, Moscow, Greece and Madrid, for a total of six years.
Arthur’s exposure to world class cross-border legal work has armed him with corporate and commercial knowledge as well as tactical skills that few South Australian lawyers are privileged enough to have been exposed to.
The application of his skills and knowledge is evident in the consistently outstanding results he achieves for his clients. He has an endless persistence in negotiating that yields dramatic results in his client’s favour. A self-confessed workaholic, he doesn’t just ‘work in the law’, he thrives in it.
He is a husband, a father, a thinker and a business owner