M: 0404 293 422 (Arthur)

The area of Commercial and Business Law is extremely broad and overlaps with other areas of Law. The key to a successful business is setting it up properly from the outset whether you are creating one or acquiring one. Comprehensive advice on three major areas are necessary to ensure the success of your business:
Implementing the correct structure to ensure your personal assets are protected should the business fail;
Implementing the correct structure to ensure you minimise the business’ tax obligations; and
Protecting your brand.
We can guide you in relation to:
Setting up your companies (both trading and holding companies)
Preparing License agreements between your trading and holding companies
Structure formation and advice: asset protection and trust formation (discretionary and unit trusts)
Forming partnerships
Sale and Purchase of a Business
Share and purchase of shares in a company
Business Succession Agreements
Buy Sell Agreements
Drafting terms and conditions on the Supply of Goods
Drafting terms and conditions on the Supply of Services
Internet law or e-commerce related documents: Drafting Website Terms of Use, Privacy Policies and Disclaimers for businesses who are creating an online presence
Joint ventures Agreements
Shareholders’ Agreements
Loan Agreements, Mortgages and General Security Deeds
Liquor Licensing applications (and advice concerning obligations)
Franchising advice
Intellectual Property: Registration of Trademarks and associated intellectual property necessary to protect the branding of your business
Commercial Dispute Resolution and Litigation concerning acquisition disputes including misrepresentations when acquiring the business
Advice and representation concerning all other disputes that can arise within the business realm.